Focus groups

Our position as a trusted organisation enables us to engage with African, Caribbean and other minority ethnic groups.

We facilitate focus groups enabling the voices and cancer experiences of underrepresented community are included – feeding into research, policy and practice.
We work with a wide range of health and research organisations, locally, regionally and nationally.
To discuss your needs email: or call 0161 232 1286

Case study

Working with Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC) we have delivered focus groups to look at the lack of involvement with research and clinical trials by African and Caribbean community members.
We continue to work with MCRC to support them to build trust, break down barriers, develop relationships with community members to ensure positive engagement and involvement at all levels of research programmes.

β€œAt the MCRC, we are working hard to ensure our workforce, clinical trials, and research outputs are representative of the population we serve. Our partnership with Can-Survive UK helps us to train researchers in EDI/PPIE, strengthens our strategic planning, and contributes to ensuring African and Caribbean community members play a fuller and much-needed role in cancer research.”

Simon Reeds
Outreach and Engagement Manager, Manchester Cancer Research Centre