
Our Cultural Competency Training is designed to ensure that health professionals have the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to become more culturally competent in the delivery of cancer and other health and social care services.

It covers the essential components of cultural competence self-awareness, depth of knowledge, the appropriate skills and practical application.
For further details or to enquiry about booking a training session, please email putting Cultural Competency Training in the subject box.
“It was good to hear service users sharing their lived experience of when cultural competency does not exist. The impact this has on them in term of whether they continue to access a service, their recovery and how it makes them feel as a person.”
“The facilitator was excellent. This can be a challenging topic, and the facilitator created a learning environment which encouraged us to be open, honest and curious. Thank you!”
“Really valuable training. I will definitely be reviewing our approach and making the appropriate changes.”